
Building a New Type of Primary Care with the Co-Founder of The Lanby

Chloe Harrouche, saw that the conventional health system didn't serve her as a patient, so she sought to build something new. We sat down with Chloe to learn how her patient experience highlighted gaps in the healthcare system and how she has implemented a new model of care to better serve patients in their health journey.

Tell us about your personal health journey. Did you feel supported by the healthcare system? 

I have always been obsessed with medicine. I studied bioengineering as an undergrad at the University of Pennsylvania, and after college, I pursued a career in healthcare strategy and tech consulting. There, I worked closely with clinicians to create more efficient workflows and improve care delivery. That experience gave me valuable insight into how the healthcare system works. 

It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 23 that I realized just how broken our healthcare system is. Beyond the shock of the diagnosis itself, what I struggled with most was the coordination of care needed to keep all my doctors in the loop. I had a specialist for every step of my treatment, but no one was quarterbacking the process from start to finish. I had to be that liaison, which only added to my stress and fear.

Post-treatment, I pivoted my focus toward prevention. I was 24 at that point and naturally wanted to do everything in my power to avoid a cancer recurrence. I asked every one of my doctors for guidance but got nowhere. I came to terms with the idea that, ultimately, I had to be my own advocate, do the research, and devise a plan to optimize my diet and lifestyle to get the best outcome.

Q: How did your healthcare experience prompt you to want to change the system? 

I quickly realized that I wasn’t the only one with this problem. None of my friends had a primary care doctor, and they didn’t think they were missing anything. This is a huge problem given that 80% of health issues can be addressed by a primary care doctor alone, and if you cut that person out of your life, small problems become big problems, expensive problems 

80% of health issues can be addressed by a primary care doctor alone, and if you cut that person out of your life, small problems become big problems, expensive problems 

So how did the experience of primary care get so bad that we’re willing to ignore it altogether? If I wanted to drastically improve the quality and comprehensiveness of primary care, the what, I had first to address its delivery, the how.

Having been in the patient’s seat, I know what it feels like to be powerless, to feel like not only do you have to get healthy, but you also have to fight the system to get there. My goal is to support patients where they need it most and cut through the noise. My vision is to create the first doctor’s office designed through the lens of the patient.

What’s different about the Lanby from other primary care clinics? 

The Lanby is a wellness-forward, hospitality-led primary care membership for patients who simply want more. We take an expansive approach to primary care – one that's integrative, customized, and above all, patient-centric. Members are assigned a dedicated care team involving a Lead Physician (MD), Wellness Advisor (RD), and Concierge Manager, who work together to cover the three pillars of the patient journey: medicine, wellness, and coordination. 

The Lanby’s mission is to redefine the scope of primary care to focus on prevention and optimization. If we can align ourselves with what our patients need to feel supported and motivated, we’ll see better engagement and improved health outcomes. 

The Lanby is also a Feeding Friendly clinic. Just like health and wellness, we believe that feeding your child is not one size fits all and that patient-centered care includes listening to parents' goals and needs around feeding while supporting their choices. 

Are there any small changes you can suggest to clinicians working within the typical care model to move toward providing more patient-centric care? 

Clinicians in the conventional medical system need to advocate to create space to be an active listener in order to build rapport with patients. Too often, this is taken out of the patient care model due to time constraints. 

There’s also a lack of collaboration and communication. Our healthcare system has become siloed, but our health requires an integrative, 360 approach. Leverage roundtable discussions, asynchronous chat, and collaboration tools to share your expertise and ask for help when you need it. 

What do you think is next for primary care, and how can clinicians get involved? 

First and foremost, we believe integrative, wellness-forward medicine is the future of primary care. From a utilization perspective, we’re excited to see our members shift towards asynchronous communication channels to stay engaged with their care team more continuously. Over time, we think visit encounters will become less and less necessary for patients to manage their health and achieve progress. Lastly, with respect to technology, we’re exploring how automations can be used to create more accountability for our members to stay on track with their wellness goals and follow-ups. 

Chloe is the CEO and Co-Founder of The Lanby. A skilled healthcare growth strategist, with experience spanning multiple touchpoints within the industry, Harrouche’s personal experience as a young survivor of breast cancer shaped her firsthand perspective of what patients want and need to feel supported in the primary care system. Harrouche is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Science where she holds a Bachelor of Science degree in bioengineering. She currently lives in New York City with her husband and two children, both of which were brought into this world via surrogate and 100% formula-fed with Bobbie. 

You can learn more about The Lanby and Chloe here.

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Discuss any health or feeding concerns with your infant’s pediatrician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay it based on the content on this page.